Ruth T.
July 9, 2021I want to thank you for the “excellent service” provided to me in getting my recent car purchase moved from Bank of America (BOA) to Emery. As you know, I purchased a 2018 Lexus. I had not planned to purchase a car. The plan was to pay off my current car loan with Emery and search for a new car in December which I would have had financed through Emery as well.
Anyway, it was a holiday weekend and I knew Emery was closed, so I completed the loan application with Lexus being told the lien holder would be BOA. A few days later, you contacted me and the rest is history. I’m so happy to say my car loan is now with Emery and an added bonus is the balance transfer of (2) large balance accounts to my MasterCard with lower interest.
I simply love doing business with “my” credit union, Emery Federal Credit Union!! Working with you Paula has truly been awesome!! Although we mostly communicated via emails, your kindness, professionalism, and promptness was very much displayed. I’m very appreciative.
Lastly, I believe my checking account has been with Emery Federal Credit Union for close to or over 20 years. I don’t carry a high balance in my checking or saving, but what little I have I always try to keep my checking account balanced and pay my bills on time. Most of all it gives me peace of mind knowing I have a credit union who appreciates my business and that I can call on you when in need of service.